The Jamaica Chess Federation hosted it’s annual High school tournament on November 29 and 30 in Clarendon at Glenmuir High school. The deCartret College’s chess team was in attendance with an A and B team comprising of four members and some substitute players and we are happy to announce that both teams have made it through the Middlesex bracket to the next round of the National Playoffs next year in January. We solicit your support for the team as they engage in rigorous training for the upcoming playoff.
Interviewer: Jada Brooks
Interviewee: Jonathon Saunders
1. What inspired you to do chess?
Funny enough, the decision to start chess was not democratic. My mother decided that I was going to join the chess club in grade 6, and that was that. As a result I didn't like it for a long time until I discovered that chess gave me a conversation starter. Believe it or not, I began to fully appreciate
chess by 3rd form.
2. Is there a specific goal in mind for the chess club?
The club has two goals actually: To increase the popularity of chess within deCarteret College, and to improve the skill of the chess club members with the hope of creating a culture of chess.
3. The club recently entered its first ever Chess Tournament; can you
describe the tournament and how you think the members of the club
(yourself included) felt?
The tournament took place at Glenmuir High School over two days. There were a number of other schools present from the central region: Belair, Vere technical, Steths, Denbigh, and of course Glenmuir deCarteret college sent up two teams: the A team and the B team. I along with some of the other members of the chess team had been to our fair share of tournaments. Admittedly, I was nervous, but more so curious about what would happen. The other members seemed a little nervous as well, as expected. The tournament itself was very fun. There was a certain air of camaraderie, and despite the fact that we were playing against other schools, we managed to bond with members of the teams from the other schools.
4. In regards to the tournament, do you believe the club achieved what they
wanted to accomplish?
I do believe we accomplished what we wanted. The decision to attend the tournament was in essence a spontaneous one. The chess club had to choose the individuals who would represent the school at this tournament. As a result of attending the tournament, the chess club now has a chess teacher preparing us for the playoffs to occur in January. Additionally the members of the team undeniably gained priceless experience from this venture. This tournament also gives prospective members of the chess team something to look forward to; they can work hard and practice up in hopes.
5. Is there any advice to the current and future members of the Chess Club?
I would say to play as much as you can with all different types of people. Also find a good chess based Youtube channel that you can learn from.